Wednesday, December 22, 2021

4 Way Split CD available at Death Hymns distro

Antiquus Scriptum, Xerión, Tenebrositas, Talog – Nos Nati Sumus de Tenebris - CD available in the States by Death Hymns distro.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Friday, December 3, 2021

Tenebrositas tape out on Moonworshipper Records

Tenebrositas "The Howling Jaws Of Damnation" cassette tape is available by mighty Moonworshipper Records! Other cool stuff in Moonworshipper's December batch too.   

Talog "Nosferatuovi Hladni Dvori" Double DIY CDr Comp. sold out!

Thank you!

Monday, November 29, 2021

GutterSkull reviewed by Maximum Rocknroll

GutterSkull reviewed on Maximum Rocknroll site. I grow up with their old paper zines. Cool review;

Croatia’s GUTTERSKULL does grimy, blackened punk powered by raw D-beat banging. On this demo, all fourteen songs have the same beat, most of them are between thirty seconds and one minute long, and they’re all covered with raspy black metal whispers. These songs could be the battle hymns of some bizarre type of evil war witches. Straight sinister depravity. I find the dead drums of the funeral march-style opening to “Final Death Raid” to be a bit addictive, craving them as I sip my morning coffee on the way to work.  

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Tenebrositas as part of Moonworshipper December Batch

 December batch by Moonworshipper Records, including latest Tenebrositas demo on cassette tape.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Olden Sonorities back on Discogs

Finally it is on Discogs again. Some other items may be added later too.

Olden Sonorities continues as more hc / punk / metal / grindcore / noise / experimental orientated distro.

If you are more into black metal / death / thrash / doom / black ambient check out my other distro at Worship The Abyss Discogs store -

Or contact me at

Friday, November 12, 2021

New art for upcoming Talog compilation CDr

My new artwork for upcoming Talog "Nosferatuovi Hladni Dvori" compilation. All the vampire themed recordings as an old school DIY double CDr limited to only 13 copies. More later, we are working on it.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Tenebrositas soon on Moonworshipper Records

Tenebrositas "The Howling Jaws Of Damnation" demo to be released on December 3rd as cassette tape by Moonworshipper Records, so keep your eyes open!

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Swamp Noise distributes GutterSkull and Gruuthaagy tapes

Swamp Noise Records ima na distru GutterSkull "Coldness Of The Bunker" kazete i ekskluzivne primjerke Gruuthaagy "Elektronika Mizantropija" kazete.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Friday, October 29, 2021

4 way split out on October 31st

I got my copies of Xerión / Antiquus Scriptum / Tenebrositas / Talog "Nos Nati Sumus de Tenebris" 4 way split release. Pro CD, digi file, 8 pages booklet, a great job by Nigra Mors. Will be officially distributed from October 31st through my Worship The Abyss distro, too. True underground Galician / Portuguese / Croatian alliance. Hail the Black Art!

Friday, October 15, 2021

Aligrindtor "The Year Of Fear" tape on distro


Aligrindtor - The Year Of Fear - tape

Grindcore Mince Power Violence from Croatia released on Swamp Noise Records, great DIY release.

4 Euros / 25 Kuna

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Distros, sold out releases

Soul Butcher "Graveless Wanderers" tapes, Scaffold "Codex Gigas" tapes, GutterSkull "Coldness Of The Bunker" tapes, Nuclear Altar "Mankind In Decline" tapes and Profanum Vulgaris "2009-2012" tapes sent to ZAS Autoproduzioni label & mailorder in Italy for distribution. Nuclear Altar and Profanum Vulgaris no longer available by me, those were the last copies.

Soul Butcher "Graveless Wanderers" tapes, Scaffold "Codex Gigas" tapes, GutterSkull "Coldness Of The Bunker" tapes sent to Nigra Mors distro in Spain, too. Some of my sold out releases still available at Nigra Mors.

New Soul Butcher "Graveless Wanderers" tapes and Scaffold "Codex Gigas" tapes sent to Black Steel Worship distro in Croatia as well.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Friday, September 24, 2021

Gruuthaagy "Residiuum 1" on BC

Two old hard industrial compilation tracks. Harsh and cold. There is more compilation tracks from the first decade of 2000's that I will upload as Residiuum serial. This is No 1.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Balkan Horde "Eye Of The Storm" on BC

From 2007, just made new artwork for it. Harsh Black Metal, one and only track by Balkan Horde.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

GutterSkull "Coldness Of The Bunker" tape available!


New Olden Sonorities tape release is available. Professionally manufactured cassette tape in four different cover colors. D-Beat Raw Black Metal Punk from the gutters of Slavonia.

30 Kuna / 5 Euros + poštarina / shipping

Order from GutterSkull BC -

or write at

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Gutterskull - Coldness Of The Bunker CS - NEW!


Co-released by Doomtown Records and Olden Sonorities. Available by Doomtown Records, check out the link for more info. Olden Sonorities copies will come a bit later, will be announced when available by Olden Sonorities and GutterSkull.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Tenebrositas and Talog update

Thanx to Greg Biehl.

"The Howling Jaws Of Damnation" demo will be released as cassette tape on Moonworshipper Records, USA.

Same demo will be also a part of Antiquus Scriptum (Portugal) + Xerión (Galiza) + Tenebrositas (Croatia) + Talog (Croatia) - "Nos Nati Sumus de Tenebris" - 4 way split disc. Talog - "Karpatski Prijestolonasljednik I Apoteoza Roda Neljudskoga" - 2 tracks demo to be included at here, too.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Uzvrat s/t and Zapana Blacio Volume 2 comp. on distro

Uzvrat - sirovi hardcore Županjske škole i Zapana Blacio vol 2 internacionalna punk/hc/grind/crust kompilacija sa; Octopoulpe, Ancst, Disbaja, Gemišt, Bakterije, Choix, KDP, Atomski Rat i GutterSkull. Odlični DIY CDr-i. Može i trade!


Tenebrositas "The Howling Jaws Of Damnation" YT videos

At FiveDigitCreature

At Only Black Metal

At Mão da Glória

Thank you all!

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

New Tenebrositas demo

 "The Howling Jaws Of Damnation" demo is on BC, physical manifestations later.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Worship The Abyss Store at Limited Run

My second label and distro; Black Metal, Death / Thrash / Doom, Dungeon Synth and Metal Punk.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

BegUsToStop - Lj.D.S.G.V.N. - CD in stock

Quality DeathGrind. 6 Euros / 40 Kuna

Art for incoming Tenebrositas demo

Working on new demo "The Howling Jaws Of Damnation" with two tracks;

The Herd Gathers As The Wolves Circle

Under A Full Moon They Appear

This is the cover art, more later...

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Tenebrositas and Talog full album YT uploads


Tenebrositas / Xérion split uploaded by Mão da Glória

Tenebrositas / Xérion split uploaded by FiveDigitCreature

Tenebrositas - Embraced By The All Devouring Void uploaded by Wolfmond Production

Talog - Karpatski Prijestolonasljednik I Apoteoza Roda Neljudskoga uploaded by Moonworshipper Records

Talog - Ona Kojoj Tama Se Klanja uploaded by möz

Some older videos are now age restricted by YT and I don't bother to upload anything there by myself anymore. But support and fair promotion are welcome.

Desinence Mortification / Giht Shasie split CD and Unholy Grave / Corrupt Humanity split 7'' in stock

Desinence Mortification / Giht Shasie split CD - 3 Eura / 20 kuna

Unholy Grave / Corrupt Humanity split 7'' - 5 Eura / 35 Kuna

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

90's Gruuthaagy tape recordings

Old analog Gruuthaagy, collection tape released at year 1995 by Kylie Productions in the UK. Total Noise / Experimental / Industrial / Avant Trash. Very rare, I didn't even saved my own copy and forgot some of the stuff at here. Neat to see it at BC after so much time.

Gruuthaagy "Krv" at BC thanx to Ende Records

My track from the hardcore techno compilation originally released in 2008, now on BC for free. Sort of electronic metal punk.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Old Gruuthaagy track uploaded on BC

Latest Talog on YT

 Thanx for the upload.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

HC / Punk CD's on distro

Some hc/punk CD's on Olden Sonorities distro; 

xINQUISITIONx – Nobody Expects The xINQUISITIONx - pro CDr - 20 k / 3 Euros 

xINQUISITIONx – Wasted Youth - pro CDr - 20 k / 3 Euros 

SxE fastcore from France. 

Abuse – Manifest 1994-2004 - Ten Years Of Abuse - Discography CD (Haunted Hotel Records) - 30 k / 4 Euros 

Swedish D-Beat crustcore. 

Beast In Heat – The Rocky Road To Euphoria - CD (Haunted Hotel Records) - 30 k / 4 Euros 

Aussie harcore punk, members of Rupture. 

Trade welcome. Može mjenjaža naravno.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Worship The Abyss on BC from now

My second label has a BC site and store for WtA releases, including the latest Scaffold "Codex Gigas" cassette tape co-released with NecroVoid Records.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Soon - new Talog tape on Moonworshipper Records

Talog - Karpatski Prijestolonasljednik I Apoteoza Roda Neljudskoga - cassette tape to be released by Moonworshipper Records at April 30th.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

To be released later this year

Antiquus Scriptum / Xerión / Tenebrositas / Talog 4 Way Split Digi CDr.

To be released later this year on Nigra Mors. More info later.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

New demo "Secrecy Of The Centuries" by Grievous Obscuration

GutterSkull on Subway Radio Show

Some tracks from "Coldness Of The Bunker" on air, thank you old friend and Radio Študent.

click here

Tenebrositas on Wolfmond Production YT channel

First full length by Tenebrositas on Wolfmond Production YT channel. Pro CDr still available by this german label heavily into supporting worldwide BM underground.


Saturday, February 13, 2021

New Talog Demo

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Follow De Pankraker radio show

Great metal radio show in English, based in Belgium. Already included GutterSkull and Tenebrositas, old undground metal legends from my hometown Požega; Sprovod and Amen, and more related stuff soon too. Always in great company, with emphasis on Black Metal.

Saturday, January 16, 2021