Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Second Hand - diskovi dodani listi

Damir Avdić - Mrtvi Su Mrtvi - CD - Moonlee Records - 35 Kuna / 5 Euros

Tagada Jones ‎– Virus - CD - Enragé Production, Barket's Records - 30 Kuna / 4 Euros

Intoxicate ‎– Toxic Years ‎- CD - Twisted Justice - 30 Kuna / 4 Euros

Amok - s/t - CD - Mesmerized Records - 20 Kuna / 3 Euros

Noisear / Department Of Correction - CD - Power It Up - 20 Kuna / 3 Euros

Flatline - Posttraumatic Lullabies - CD - self released - 20 Kuna / 3 Euros

Ljubiša Samardžić – Ljubav Naša Nek' Te Vodi - CD - DHPAK47, etc - 20 Kuna / 3 Euros

v/a New Days Rising (Złodzieje Rowerów, D.D.I., Frammenti, Attentat Sonore, Affluente, Cojoba, Smudos, Invazija) - CD - Boislève - 15 Kuna / 2 Euros

Gori Ussi Winnetou - Odiseja Fiorin - Enivej: Sve Je Kuratz, Anke I Pitzka, Amen - CDr - self released - 15 Kuna / 2 Euros

Speak Our Minds - s/t - CDr - DHPAK47 - 15 Kuna / 2 Euros

True - Plastic World - CDr - Neanderthal Stench - 15 Kuna / 2 Euros

Reborn - s/t - CDr - self released - 15 Kuna / 2 Euros

Destrukcija Stvarnosti - s/t - CDr - DHPAK47, Brand New Place, Obsolete Man - 15 Kuna / 2 Euros

Vaseline Children - s/t - CDr - DHPAK47, etc - 15 Kuna / 2 Euros

Sod'n Dan - s/t - CDr - self released - 15 Kuna / 2 Euros

Lasting Values - s/t - CDr - Brand New Place - 15 Kuna / 2 Euros

Gorgonized Dorks ‎– Explorations Of Aural Destruction Vol. 1 & 2 - for sale!

Added to distro, I got one unplayed copy, # 15. 18 Euros / 135 Kuna


Friday, December 16, 2016

Na distru

Ego Death - C'est La Femme - Bringer Of Gore - kazeta - 15 Kuna / 2 Euros

Nešto stariji Grčki noise, na kultom labelu Bringer Of Gore iz Belgije.

Drob - Lots Of Flesh - CDr - 15 Kuna / 2 Euros

Kratko ali slatko, totalni goregrind iz Požege, snimljeno u Studiu Depth 2005.

Radikalna Promjena / Bad Justice - split CDr - Tko Je Tvoj Neprijatelj? / Progressive Attack - 15 Kuna / 2 Euros

Dokument zajedničke Euro turneje, oba benda sa snimkama iz druge polovice devedesetih, sirovi hc/punk underground.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Nuclear Altar is back!

New line up; Gera - drums, Nani - vox, and me - guitar.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A Balance Of Terror - stara kompilacija ponovo nabavljiva!

Ova internacionalna kompilacijska kazeta je moje staro izdanje, ujedno vrhunac moga tadašnjeg interesa u hc/grind/crust, iskopana iz zaborava sa 24 benda u 90 minuta;

Earth Today, Irritate, Dislike, Dickless Tracy, Shears, Fight Back, Desinence Mortification, Rot, KDP, Bolesno Grinje, Sodn' Dan, Grito de Odio, Depressor, Melee, Existench, Warsore, Urine Specimen, Disarm, Olho de gato, Intoxicate, Tenacious Zhgantsi, Beer System, Disharmonija, Hibakusha.

Presjek tadašnje underground scene, neke su snimke objavljene samo na njoj, svega 15 Kuna / 2 Euros za pravi blast from the past!!!

Rdja, Kramp, Pro-Past na distru

Kramp - Demo 2002 + Bonus Live

Grindcore / Death Metal iz Srbije, muško / ženski vokali, kvalitetno satiranje. Poslušaj.

proCDr verzija - 25 Kuna / 4 Euros

Kazetna verzija - 20 Kuna / 3 Euros

Rdja - Cold Skin

Kazetno reizdanje sa 6 bonus stvari. Sirovi, hladni Black Metal i mračne atmosfere. Poslušaj. 20 Kuna / 3 Euros

Pro-Past - No Life

Grindcore Punk, demo kazeta iz 2012'e, brzo i divlje. Poslušaj. 20 Kuna / 3 Euros

Sunday, October 30, 2016

OUT NOW!!! Tenebrositas - Grieving Tales Of The Evil Reign (tape)

Underground Black Metal.

Full discography on 1 tape, 16 pages booklet + band sticker + band patch, strictly limited at only 16 copies.

Jesboligakurac Records

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Fight Back / Agathocles split LP photos

Fotke by Neno. LP još uvijek nabavljiv preko Olden Sonorities distra.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Celetoids tape i Silent Era 7'' na distru

Vrlo aktivni Doomtown Records zaslužan je za ove novitete na distru, old school punk rock;

Silent Era - s/t 7"

Odličan punk sa ženskim vokalom iz Amerike. Budući klasik. 30 Kuna / 5,50 Eura


The Celetoids - Pupal Stage - Tape

Noviji pank iz Zagreba, vrlo dobar i unikatan zvuk. 25 Kuna / 4 Eura


Monday, September 19, 2016


Novo na distru; Agathocles & No-Joy, Cryfemal, and Pripjat

Agathocles & No-Joy - collaboration CDr - great sludge noise, teška, prljava i mračna sporina, također dobar cover art, Jesboligakurac Records. Poslušaj cijeli. 30 Kuna / 4 Euros

Pripjat - Peta Godina Dekontaminacije - Tape - dark hardcore metal punk iz Srbije, sirovo i oporo, DIY as fuck. Posthumna kompilacija raznih snimaka, pravi underground dokument, neuništivi Jesboligakurac Records. Jedna za poslušati. 20 Kuna / 3 Euros

Cryfemal - Raising Deads, Buring Alives - Tape - Black Metal iz Španjolske, brazilsko izdanje. Prvi album ovog već poznatog imena, podmukao i nemilosrdan! Poslušaj jednu. Total War Records. 20 Kuna / 3 Euros

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Profanum Vulgaris "2009-2012" Tape Out Now!

New release on Olden Sonorities, diy cassette tape including all recordings by Profanum Vulgaris. Limited to 66 hand numbered copies.

30 Kuna - Uključena Poštarina - Obično (Hrvatska)

35 Kuna - Uključena Poštarina - Preporučeno (Hrvatska)

3 Euros + Shipping. Selected trade possible. Ask for details -

Bandcamp page.

Buy on Discogs.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Distro Update!

Baixo Calão / SRAM split 7" EP

Crushing old fashioned grindcore from Brazil and Russia, Autopsy cover included. Co-released from Hyperion Records, Acid Redux Productions, Destroy Sounds Records, Neolithic Productions, No Bread Records, and Sacrifical Tapes. Listen here. 30 Kuna / 4 Euros

Desinence Mortification / Giht Shasie split CD

Restock, Croatian grind assault. DM are old grindcore legends from Pula and GS are experimental cybergrind from Split. Lot's of noise. Co-released from Hyperion Records and Guranje S Litice. Listen here. 25 Kuna / 4 Euros

Desinence Mortification "Misery Remains" Tape

Restock, their last album on pro tape, total grindcore. Co-released from Grobarluk Records and Guranje S Litice. Listen here. 25 Kuna / 4 Euros

Paruzija "999 Zlo I Naopako" Tape

Croatian hardcore punk from Zagreb / Kutina on pro tape, released from Hyperion Records. 25 Kuna / 4 Euros

All itemes are available through Discogs -

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Fight Back / Agathocles split LP out on Neanderthal Stench

Neanderthal Stench just released Fight Back / Agathocles split LP & Fight Back t-shirts. Fight Back is my old band, reunion recordings, me this time as guest on few vocals, lots of music was written by me, well, old crew, balkanarho hardcore.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Tenebrositas Merch on Bandcamp

From now you can order Aura Mortis / Tenebrositas ‎- Iniquitous Unification - split proCDr (Olden Sonorities) and Tenebrositas ‎– Embraced By The All Devouring Void - proCDr (Wolfmond Production) at Bandcamp, too. Thanx.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Photo - Distro

Hvala svima što su podržali distribuciju u Subotu.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Disbaja na distru

Disbaja "Realm Of Absurd" disk, domači hardcore thrash punk, sirovi discore i sirovi metal, bez pardona, kao nekada. 15 Kuna / 2 Euros

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Monday, June 6, 2016

Novo na distru, BM sa Wolfmond Production

Voin Grim - Mysteries That Thy Old Trees Keep... Timeless - Wolfmond Production - atmospheric black

Ruski atmosferični black metal, sirov i sa simfo elementima, snažan EP. Preview. 35 Kuna / 5 Euros

Battlegrim - Tirani Senja - Wolfmond Production - black / death metal

Indonezijski black metal, dobar album ratne tematike sa death elementima. Cijeli. 35 Kuna / 5 Euros

Aguares - Kingdom Of Falsehood - Wolfmond Production - black metal

Black metal sa sjevera Indije u starom skandinavskom stilu, odlično. Cijeli. 35 Kuna / 5 Euros

Friday, May 20, 2016

Talog izišao za Slušaj Najglasije!

Talog also released and available by Croatian label Slušaj Najglasnije - Listen Loudest. Eto, sada se sav dosadašnji matrijal može nabaviti i kod nas.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Aura Mortis / Tenebrositas split - distributors

Aura Mortis / Tenebrositas - Iniquitous Unification - proCDr available by Metal Throne Productions (Greece), Odmetnik Distro (Serbia), Wolfmond Production (Germany), Nigra Mors (Spain), Land Of Fog Records (Italy), Some Kind Of Distro (Serbia), Negra Nit (Spain), Guranje S Litice (Croatia), NitroAtmosfericum Records (Russia), and Jesboligakurac Records (Serbia). You can buy it directly from me on Discogs.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Novo na distru

Nakkiga - Amerasu - Darkwoods, Nigra Mors - black metal

Cijeli za poslušati.

CD - 55 Kuna / 8 Euros

Black Goat - Death Ritual - Final Embrace Records, Nigra Mors - thrash / black metal


Tape - 25 Kuna / 4 Euros

Ragnor ‎– Forsaken Kingdom - Negra Nit - black metal


CDr - 25 Kuna / 4 Euros

The Sorcerer / Antiquus Scriptum ‎– ...Enterrai Os Vivos E Cuidai Dos Mortos... - Negra Nit - black metal

CDr - 25 Kuna / 4 Euros

BadAss Farmer - Rehearsal - Jesboligakurac Records - grindcore

CDr - 20 Kuna / 3 Euros

Scaffold - The Other Side Of Reality - Grim Reaper Records ‎- old school death metal

Cijeli za poslušati.

CDr - 25 Kuna / 4 Euros

Intestinal Rot ‎– Re-inventing Mankind - Uterus Productions, Crit De Fastic Records, Land Of Fog Records - death metal / goregrind

Cijeli za poslušati.

7'' Vinil EP - 35 Kuna / 5 Euros

Blasphemous Overlord ‎– Into The Twilight Of Infinity - Land Of Fog Records - black metal

Cijeli za poslušati.

CDr - 25 Kuna / 4 Euros

Bloody Terror ‎– Diaboli Celeritate - NitroAtmosfericum Records - melodic black / death

Cijeli za poslušati.

CDr - 25 Kuna / 4 Euros

Beheat Gorum de Mentheurd & Obscura Mentis ‎– Advanced Promo Tape I - NitroAtmosfericum Records - dark ambient / black metal

Cijeli za poslušati. Ovo je proCDr verzija.

CDr - 25 Kuna / 4 Euros

Astarium - Winter Growths (Part II​) - Dark East Productions, Nihil Art Records, NitroAtmosfericum Records - epic dark ambient

Cijeli za poslušati.

CD - 50 Kuna / 7 Euros

Astarium - Nekrocosmo: Demiurge - Dark East Productions, Nihil Art Records - symphonic black metal

Cijeli za poslušati.

CD - 50 Kuna / 7 Euros

Astarium - Reverie - self released - dark ambient

Tape - 20 Kuna / 3 Euros