A set of Talog pin buttons is available through my Etsy store. For now only recommended for those located in the United States. Also, in order to avoid additional customs duties and taxes upon receipt, T-shirts and other physical items are divided into USA and Europe market according to the place from which they are sent. In this way, the price of the item and postage is final. Thanks!
Talog bedževi nabavljivi na Etsy online trgovini. Pravi se preko američke Print On Demand firme pa ih ja nemam na raspolaganju nego se naručuje od njih preko Etsy direkt. Nisam siguran da ne bi bilo carine na taj način pa samo u biti za američko tržište. Nije isključeno da ću ih raditi i kod nas, za sad ovako. Majice pod T-Shirts EU se prave i šalju iz Poljske i nema te opasnosti za EU.