Thursday, October 31, 2024

New shirts, etc... Metal Punk

Four of my drawings are available through print on demand pages. Artworks from the metal punk side this time.

T-shirts and posters at the kktz Fourthwal shop, I recommend if you are located in America.

I put the shirts for Europe on the Artium Horrores KKTZ Etsy Shop. 

Also on the Redbubble kktz-sedatus shop, besides t-shirts there are other items including pins and much more. 

One of the motifs on Redbubble is like Mature Content, so you have to confirm that you want to see it.

Various color options available.

Sending t-shirts via POD service is about half the cost of postage than from me, let them spread, these t-shirts say it all.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Disbaja "Impulse Slaves" tape available

Great new tape by old mates Disbaja is at distro.

5 Euros + shipping.

Friday, October 11, 2024

More artworks at shirts, etc...

Hail to the dungeon lords

Three new obscure T-shirts and posters available. The Great Mother And Her Offspring, the Black Arts motif originally used for the Talog / La Morte Amoureuse split tape, and the sullen recluse from Tenebrositas. Check it out at the Fourthwall Shop;

If you are based in Europe, I recommend soft style T-shirts on Etsy to avoid problems with customs for sure;

Also various items available through the RB Shop, just click on the selected arts;

Thanks to everyone for every form of support, kktz