Thursday, December 12, 2024

New pin badges

Novi bedževi, klasični mali. Razni Nuclear Altar i Talog motivi, Tenebrositas, i jedan stariji motiv. Cijena je 1, 50 Eura po jednom. Poštarina unutar Hrvatske 2, 50 Eura bez obzira koliko komada, preporučena pošiljka. Ako se sve plaća pouzećem poštarina 3 Eura + cijena bedževa. U obzir dolazi i punk pošta ako ima netko tko ih može prenijeti. Nema na rezervaciju, plaćanje odmah. Količina je ograničena, dok ima ima. Svi artovi by kktz.

Koga zanima neka se javi na sa brojevima bedževa koje želi. Hvala! 

New badges, 1 inch, classic small. Various Nuclear Altar and Talog motifs, Tenebrositas, and one older motif. The price is 1.50 Euros each. Shipping 5, 50 Euros, regardless of the number of pieces, registered delivery. Quantity is limited. All art by kktz.

Anyone interested should contact me at with the numbers of the badges they want. Thanks!

Sunday, December 1, 2024

More kktz shirts available at PoD stores

Beneath the pale glow of the heathen night, the ground was littered with skulls, remnants of forgotten battles and lost souls.

New T-Shirts and more on the Fourthwall store!

Also on; and